
Friday, November 14, 2008

Riddles, a MUST at Shanti Bhavan!

Bhavani (4th grade): The Master Riddle Smith.

Spooky Moves Under the Black Light

"We danced so much and the black light was very nice". - Berkmans (5th grade)

Shanti Bhavan Masquerade Artisans

Pushpa from the 11th grade modeling her artwork.

"It will be really cool to see my mask glowing in the dark". - Abilash (10th grade)

On Your Mark, Get Set, Go!

Ajay committed to win the spoon race on Halloween!

"It was so hard to hold the spoon with my teeth. I'm very happy my team won". - Ajay (4th grade)

Francis running in style during the Costume Relay Race!

"The churidar was so difficult to put on, but once it was on, I ran as fast as I could". - Francis (9th grade)

Kumar from the 9th grade captured these great moment during the Halloween carnival.

Halloween Dancing Fun!

"For Halloween, I danced to a scary song and I was a zombie...we all practiced a lot for the dance. It was really fun"! - Bharath (4th grade)