
Monday, July 14, 2008

Lakshmi's wants everyone to meet her Herpetologist friends

"My friends and Katie are playing with a baby frog. It is taken in our fountain. I want the whole world to see this, which is in India in a school called Shanti Bhavan." -Lakshmi, 5th Grade, 15.2.08 [Fifth-graders: Nandini, Anushya, Viji]

Republic Day pageantry

Naveen (5th), Berkmans (4th), Vijay (5th), Meena (4th), Thanushree (4th) and Ruby (4th) salute the camera after a Republic Day skit. Can you spot Indira Gandhi?

10 Graders looking on

Tenth-graders Stella, Maha, Manimala and Vinay take in the Republic Day assembly.

Recess Fun

Vasanth (1st) strikes a pose on the sports ground.

The new extension dorm

Fourth-graders Lokesh and Arun outside the new extension to the school building.

Chariot Races!

Second and third grade boys improvising chariot races around the sports field while the older kids play soccer.

Ashwini's Pongol Costume

Ashwini (3rd) is dressed in traditional clothes for a performance about the Pongol festival.